The formation of WWIII and how much your personal wish not to die in it won't matter

Jan 22, 2023 07:14

...Is there something meaningful to say during these days where the events of today also progress on their way tomorrow? Unimpressed and not impacted by personal opinions of anyone outside of circles of power and public influence?

There's a lot of words that you could voice and drop about the state the world it is in and what and who is responsible for it - but, will it matter? Will it matter anything? Outside of maybe getting into personal trouble? And having to fight that out alone?

Not only that it's war again in Europe - and one of the most devastating times after WWII; unlike in the war over Yugoslavia where NATO came to drop bombs and anytime they won with their orgy of violence -, meanwhile whole NATO discusses and fantasizes about sending weapons into a combat zone headlessly and without safety guarantees which hands these are gonna end up in, while at the same time every time it denies that WWIII has broken out and that its member countries play a very lively part in that. And that Ukraine, their investment proxy in this endeavor, is winning all the time for 11 months, although if it truly did, the war would already been over for a long time.
What kind of world has this become? - Or was it ever any different? Has it only been smart enough in covering its true nature with enough glitter and gold in order to make most of the population believe in its harmlessness and goodwill, being not worth a critical thought about it?

The Western world which calls itself "democractic" and still keeps on spreading its curses on a former president of the United States Trump, using acting and verbal expressions like #NotMyPresident, just because he didn't function according to the usual wishes of the economic and political establishment, seriously shows up and wants to make believe like its whole population supports these political decisions while the reality actually is that there would already be enough people out there to support a national #NotMyPresident campaign in every damn coutry against these so-called "democratic" current leaders. If it wouldn't entail the possibility of becoming subject to repressions or being publicly thrown into the camp of the political right (or whatever kind of zeitgeisty "public enemy"-image) and maybe losing your job and seeing your private life going down the drain through these unfounded mere accusations.

In which point do these policymakers pose anything different than this clown? Making decisions all the time that at least half of the country opposes over its ridiculousness and the danger they create?

The Western world keps reassuring itself over and over again that they're the good guys, the righteous ones - those with all the virtues and values worth fighting for.
But, seen from the prespective of the rest of the world, and seen from the viewpoint of a sober mind, it much more eventually turns into the Death Star from Star Wars. Destroying everything it disapproves of and enslaving everything it can for the profit of the Empire. While leaving behind the trash, the blood and the scattered body parts in the landscape to those who live in the ruins of its acting.

Long story short: Go the hell and make your war alone! Go and have a seat in your own tanks and go to the frontline!
The earlier the warmongering lobbyists and politicians are gone, including their obedient fanboys and fangirls, the better for everyone else who just want to live in peace and quiet.

manipulation, west vs. east, guns, psychology, global, #notmypresident, system, strategy, life, movies, violence, radicalism, history, networks, europe, krieg, politik, lake, devil in disguise, controversial

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