中国 & 香港

Aug 26, 2019 15:55

As protests in Hong Kong became a steady topic in Western media in the recent weeks again:
Let's propose a critical question - what do the protesters actually aim for? Why do they fight China's taking-over of the territory?
All of that what they criticize to happen from China's side of things has been formally recorded in a couple of documents made long time ago between the British government and the PRC as part of returning Hong Kong to China which it once was taken from by them as a colony.
So, with fighting that, who do the protesters think will maintain their province instead and make the laws for it if China's reign is not desired?
So this can only mean targeting a return under the British crown.
Think about it...
People fighting for staying a colony!

Of course they won't mention this in your allegedly peace-, freedom- and democracy-loving Western media - as it's like a recently-created new form of sport to shoot darts at China whenever a possibility shows up to do so (especially for America under Trump).
Talking about a former colony actually wanting to stay a colony (judging by the deeds of the activists on the streets), this would be a very strange topic to report about with a subtle psychological undertone of joy.

menschen, violence, west vs. east, networks, krieg, lake, politik, devil in disguise, controversial, non-state forces, system, journalism

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