Climate strike

Mar 02, 2019 04:54

Well, what is one supposed to think about that?
Somehow you get the impression like another one of those useless actions humans do, thinking their sit-ins, their stopping to live, their praying and singing stupid songs may impress the Gods to have mercy on them - all while there actually should be to learn that this pilgrimaging to a certain place won't till their fields, won't build them cars or cell-phones or anything else of their dearly-enjoyed modern life that they take as so damn self-evident.
In other words: Boys and girls from schools in the (Western) civilization - if you really want to do anything to help easing the climate disaster, stop quitting school, better go and get quitting wanting a new smartphone for every Christmas or birthday. Better even stop using them completely.
Stop purchasing a new wardrobe just for optical reasons. Stop going vegan for hysteria or hipster reasons - the soy for your meat-replacement products comes from Brazil too, getting shipped over a big ocean.
You really think that using the "angry child wants to get its will and screamingly throws itself upon the floor"-tactics are going to get you anywhere?
Kids, just get real: It really takes to bend over backwards in order to stop the world from spinning for a single second.
And, judging from your ages, there really is to doubt if you actually still care about the subject you make a fuzz about now after a couple of years...

technology, menschen, reform, education, manipulation, environment, networks, religion, psychology, food, politik, devil in disguise, controversial, system, non-state forces

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