Die Offenlegung des Mythos "Arbeit = Wohlstand" und seiner Schatten in die Gegenwart

Nov 25, 2018 22:59

Deswegen erscheint (wahrscheinlich) die tägliche Meldung zur Arbeitslosenstatistik und deswegen diskutieren hohe Politiker allzu gern darüber, aber nicht über das zunehmende "wer arbeitet, ist trotzdem arm"-Problem: Gemäß man kalkuliert mit ein, an welches Publikum diese Meldungen gerichtet sind - in Westdeutschland vermittelt die Botschaft von ( Read more... )

deutsch, menschen, life, manipulation, poverty, society, history, media, psychology, politik, journalism, economy, system

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onb2017 December 1 2018, 18:05:25 UTC
Doesn't low unemployment mean that lots of people work temporary or have part-time jobs, the gig- economy which gives the impression that everyone is employed but it is crappy employment with no benefits or job security at all?


matrixmann December 1 2018, 23:38:45 UTC
Basically, it would aim at being that.

But, as I get to notice it via statistics, I get to notice it's better to judge this via how things are structured locally.
For example, in West Germany it still is like a relatively common thing, statistically, that women mostly work part-time and the main income is generated by their husbands.
In East Germany, this isn't like that.
Origin of that is West Germany's deeply conservative past (which also lied in its structure of everything).
It still can be found within its economical and society structures that the liberation of women, as the Communist block has seen it, never took place there.

The big trouble that I have with these data is where I get to check them out and what people conclude out of that in their deep ignorance about the East: They get to just put the stamp on it "aw, yeah, women don't really want to work if they got a big income generator - they only do this because they're bored; and this is a natural thing".
This is only true for West GermanyThis data that women work mostly ( ... )


onb2017 December 2 2018, 17:33:48 UTC
Interesting, I never heard about such cultural differences between East and West. So much for the equity. A woman is supposed to belong to the kitchen, ha?


matrixmann December 2 2018, 18:01:37 UTC
In the statistics, seemingly one must still be able to find that difference of the path of cultural development.

But, well... What do you wanna expect from a country that was heavily influenced by US culture and politics, which wanted to put women on a leash anyway under the cover of Christian religion, and which continued the spirit of the Nazi system as well as let the show go on with Nazi personnel in its administrative positions?
That it enforces poicies a là "women, you'll become first class citizens from now on!"?
Sure there's nothing like this to be expected from them...


onb2017 December 2 2018, 18:13:01 UTC
Yeah and all that hypocritical feminism movement is just fighting for what really? Hating men?


matrixmann December 2 2018, 19:24:17 UTC
Ah, I see you're a bit informed about the nr. 1 activist bullshit ( ... )


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