(no subject)

Oct 11, 2005 07:25

I saw Serenity for the third time last night, and there are scenes that still catch at me. Oh, and I almost hit a jaywalker on the way there.

It was after dark by the time I got out the door and on my way to the theater. I was turning left out of a parking lot in the middle of a block, when something moved on the street. I hit the brakes in the middle of my turn, blocking two lanes as a young woman appeared in front of me. She was in that automatic half-crouched, straight-armed position that people assume in emergencies. She had dark hair and skin, wearing denim and a dark shirt, nowhere near any street lights. I felt like yelling at her to go use a crosswalk, and I probably should have, but instead I just sat there until she unfroze and finished crossing the street. Fortunately, this wasn't a high traffic road and no other cars came by while I blocked two lanes this whole time.
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