Warcraft, Deadpool 2 + Weekend, Bleh Work

May 25, 2018 11:57

It’s been a good few days, which in my world these days, is great. I only had to suffer the boss ONCE this week as she took yesterday/today off, so yay!

Wednesday night we did our ALT raid run which I brought the hunter to. She managed to snag some loot, mostly because the other hunter in our raid is fully heroic geared, AND luckily no other mail wearing guildies in the run, so YAY for me! She went from a 928 ilvl to a 934. Bwahaha.

Afterward played some Cards Against Humanity with a few of them (can play it online now so haha). I had way too many laughs. We’re all depraved and I feel like I finally found a place to call home in WoW, which I honestly never thought I’d find again after all the drama with Anna and my guild (wow, two years ago now… where does time go??). So yeah, that was a blast. We ended up playing until midnight.

No raid last night since most people didn’t show up. Now that we’re at the end of the expansion, most were already only coming on for the MAIN run to get the AoTC achieve + mount. Now that we’ve gotten that, it really is a ghost town. Even the ‘regulars’ from the main raid have stopped coming around. Hopefully we can still do the alt runs, but I have a feeling those will dwindle over the next few weeks too.

Anyway, I figured since I was on my hunter already, AND the Mage Tower (challenge) was up, it was as good a time as any work on her challenge appearance. I got my paladin’s in about 12 tries, hers was super easy, but I had trouble on the hunter because she pretty much only has ONE heal (and it’s not that great), and if I didn’t go into the last phase fully healed, I’d die by the big dot the worm would put on her. It took two hours (16 tries), but I FINALLY got that shit done, and unlocked her challenge weapon appearance (which isn’t as pretty looking as the Paladins, but it’s DONE).

Screenshot of her when she got the weapon appearance. Can also ignore the funky looking transmog on her. I had to use different legendaries that had more crit on them in the hopes of getting the first mob down fast enough to keep my full health. Man… I was SO happy once I got that shit. It was a close call too. I think I was down to like 10% of my health when the worm finally died. People say that with the pants legendary it’s a super easy fight cuz the pants heal you a good deal, but I don’t have the pants yet. Anyway … was ecstatic! :P

Tomorrow we’re going to go see Deadpool 2. I am so very excited to see this movie and hope all the hype doesn’t let me down (though I really doubt that). We might be doing food/drinks after but not sure. I sort of don’t want to do that part of the night. I’m very super antisocial these days. I just want to go to the movie, have some great laughs, and bounce. Guess I shall see.

I did see the latest Avengers two weeks ago. It was REALLY good, and I was impressed they did ‘all those famous characters on one screen’ quite well. It didn’t even feel like an almost 3 hour movie, and I do think it’s because of all the characters. I feel like some could have used more screen time, but otherwise, it was well done and what a crazy cliffhanger… ugh. The next one is too far away!

I have a few theories, that I am very curious to see if I am right or wrong about too. HA.

Tonight, I’m playing DRUNK Cards Against Humanity with the guildies, so that should be fun. We already have plenty of laughs when we’re not drunk/tipsy… this will get pretty interesting. I hope people actually show up for it.

It’s also a three-day weekend thanks to Memorial Day. Don’t think we’re doing any BBQ’s or anything, but knowing us, we’ll decide to do something on like Sunday at the last minute… ha. Just glad I have 3 days off, though pretty sure it will fly either way.

Just got the yearly email. Summer hours are a GO again. Basically work 4 days, have Friday’s off for six weeks. We weren’t sure they were going to happen this year because we’ve got a new President coming in, but happy to see he’s not changing that. As LONG as Monday-Thursday is, it’s nice to have 3-day weekends for most of the summer.

So yeah. New President begins July 1st, and we’ve got a new interim Dean coming in July 1st as well. THAT, I am content about especially (as it directly affects me since I work for the Dean). Our current Dean is cool and all, but he is WAY too social for my blood. As an introvert, it’s been a very long 18 months with him in that office…. He constantly wants to have social gatherings (even spur of the moment ones right outside his office where he stands there for an hour or so just chit chatting). THEN, he walks around all the time complaining he has SO MUCH TO DO. Well… how about ya stop talking 24/7 and actually, oh, I don’t know… work? Sigh. He also gets all moody if people don’t join in on the constant talking. Bleh.

So yeah.. new guy coming in is more introvert like myself so I am very happy about this change.

AND to end on a HIGH note … I am happy to report I am at least kicking ONE of my resolutions asses… Reading is going great!

hanging out, world of warcraft, screenshot, im an introvert, 3-day weekend, reading, coworkers, weekend plans, goodreads, work, movie watching

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