Exercise, Sleep, Mom, Weather + Trip/s

Jun 06, 2017 14:54


So my brother got a new and ‘fancier’ one and gave me his old one. I set it all up last night and am hoping this encourages me to be more active. As with most winters, I get comfortable and almost lazy and barely want to do anything. I even bought some weights, a kettlebell and a bench for my ‘old’ room, which has plenty of space now for a tiny gym. So it’s all going in there when it arrives Wednesday and I’m hoping having a home gym at least gets me moving an hour a day. Also got a jump rope for when it’s nice out and I can jump rope outdoors (don’t think Ill be able to inside lol).

I mentioned to a friend in comments the other day how my ex and I used to go hiking a LOT when we dated and I really miss doing that, but none of my current friends really enjoy the outdoors like I do, so hiking would so not be on their list. I would do it alone, but some of the trails can get pretty steep/dangerous and it’s just always safer with a ‘buddy’. I may have to look around some communities and see if I can make a new hiking buddy. So many things on my ‘to do list’ so little time LOL

First though, ease back into things with a home gym. HA!


As someone who has suffered all her life from insomnia, this is harder to accomplish. I TRY to get to bed by 11:30PM so that I get at least 7.5 hours of sleep. Doesn’t always happen. Last two-ish weeks my sleep has been all over the place with my getting between 4-6 hours only. I have no idea what is wrong with me. I go to bed around 11:30, fall asleep close to immediately, but then wake up throughout the night and either can’t get back to sleep or take forever to get back to sleep. I have tried many things (meditation, getting up and walking around a little, some background noise)… nothing works.

I’m not exactly “stressed” so I don’t get any of it. My body just hates me LOL.


She has been saying that her legs hurt a lot lately. I am not sure what is up with that. I don’t know if it’s the very dreary weather we’re getting (but maybe it is and she has bad arthritis?). I told her to make an appointment for her doctor and she just scoffs and mutters, “I always telling him stuff and he never fixes me.” LOL Ma’ he ain’t a miracle worker! Old world people are so stubborn!

Rain, Rain …

I love rain… so to me this weather we’ve been getting since Saturday is wonderful. For the first time since I was young, it feels like we are getting an actual SPRING. It has rained every day since Saturday and has been on the chillier side.  *cough*myusername*cough*. LOL Last night it was coming down so hard, I ALMOST slept a full 7 hours (got a little over 6, so one of my better nights). I am wondering if it will be a cold summer, or if when the heat comes, it comes with a vengeance (kind of how spring has come). I hope it’s not too humid - that is the only horrible part about our summers.

The only ‘bad’ part is that it has been chillier, so I’ve had to bust out some winter clothes lol … but otherwise, I love it!


What is your favorite fruit? Mine is a tossup between blueberries and oranges (but also love watermelon, strawberries, mango, kiwi, raspberries… damn now I want all zee fruits). Having some blueberries for my mid-morning snack right now, and I am in heaven. That and my morning coffee = great day so far. How do you drink your coffee? I love mine black, no sugar :P Everyone always cringes when I tell them that, but YUM.


So we’re set to schedule the cruise. Everyone finally agreed on a week that we can all do (November 5th - 12th). One friend has to get his passport (will take him two weeks) and Trisha is going to social security Monday to legally change her last name now that she’s married to my brother. Everyone keeps telling her she should be all set the same day, but we shall see. Then she can get her passport done once SS is all set (and passport should take 7 days). SO, we’re getting all together at the end of this month to book together (paying separately, but so we can see where we’re getting rooms to try to get as many close to each other as possible).

In funny news, a friend said she’s planning a trip to Bali in Summer 2019 and asked if I’d be interested (if she gets 8 folks to go, there’s a big discount of some sort). I pretty much said HELLS YEAH, cuz when will I ever go to Bali? So that is something exciting to also look forward to. We’ll probably book that when the dates actually come out for Summer 2019 lol.

AND next summer, Lorraine is doing a destination wedding in Antigua so … I’ll be going there for a long weekend LOL. All places on my bucket list, that I get to knock off over the next few years, so makes me happy.

Okay, hushing now. Have to get back to work as my break is over!

random, fitbit, mom, question, weather: rainstorm, exercise, sleep issues, cruise, insomnia, planning travel, planning vacation

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