In "normal" (not so normal) news

Oct 17, 2012 16:41

In other, less rant-filled topics … I got sleep! I feel so much better today. It wasn’t a LOT of sleep (4 hours), but still way more than the previous two nights put together so I’ll take it. I have no idea what is going on with me, but I am actually worried enough to consider going to the doctor. This is HUGE because I will stay sick for weeks rather than go to the doctor (I hate doctors and I do blame it all on having a horrible family doctor growing up-she was awful).

I am going to see how things go the next few days, and if it doesn’t get better I’ll give in and make an appointment. I just felt absolutely awful last night when I got home, and even after being so tired, I couldn’t nap when I got home (which added to the worry because I can always nap after a work day even when I have slept).  I felt confused, disoriented, and could barely think clearly … shocked I made it home alright, honestly.

I also need to get my sleep back in line because I’ll have to get up at 6am again to drop my mom off at work, since Dad is going to be starting earlier and can’t take her as he has been the last few weeks (really NOT looking forward to this again).  This is honestly the worst the insomnia has been in years so I don’t know what the hell is up.

Anyway … So how many of you New Englander’s felt that earthquake yesterday? I have no idea how far it stretched, but we felt it very well here in West Hartford, Connecticut.  I was actually attempting to nap at the time and lying in bed and all of a sudden everything was swaying and then the rattling of the windows/doors began and I really thought it was all me because of the lack of sleep but then my bro came crashing into my room screaming, “did you just feel that?!”  Sure enough, looked it up and a 4.6 had hit somewhere in Maine (it was later fixed to say it was a 4.0).

The one last year in Virginia REALLY shook everything pretty heavily here in Connecticut. We were at work and had to evacuate the building as it was seriously swaying back and forth and that was SUPER freaky/scary (which is sad considering other parts of the world gets hit with earthquakes WAY stronger *is a wuss*). I felt really disoriented for a while after the earthquake last year, and there was a little of that this year but not as strong.  I don’t want to imagine how I’d react to anything stronger lol.

So glad it’s almost time to go home (:

I tried my very first Heroic last night (and then 5 more after it) in World of Warcraft and was pretty disappointed at how easy they were. I am a complete and utter noob at that game, but we FLEW through them … made me sad. I remember when I first hit 85 and I had to do those dungeons to get geared they seemed so much more difficult and we would wipe way more and have people randomly leaving because they hated all the wipes LOL … Last night no one died ever … and the bosses never got me below 80% of my health - that to me is just SAD!  Ah well, still fun I suppose (though I do like a bit more challenge).

Tonight Arrow is on and I am excited to catch that … then maybe I will actually do some reading … it’s been a couple of days.

tv: arrow, earthquake:, news:, feeling: better, thoughts: video-games, game: wow, feeling: worried

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