Feb 16, 2013 07:23
As of today, February 16th 2013, the Harbingers of War are no longer an active Roleplaying guild.
IC, the unit is considered dead and no longer a concern of the Horde. It does not exist. For those that lived and worked under its banner, however, its communications channels operate to keep everyone in touch. Current members are working with the Pandaren to aid them in cleansing the negative influence of the Horde and Alliance on Pandaria.
OOC, the guild is no longer recruiting. Everybody that wears the tag is a roleplayer, though, so members can still be engaged for RP.
I just don’t have time to run the guild anymore, a lot of our members have moved on, and we don’t have anybody that’s able to take over. It’s been a good run but everything has to come to an end sometime, yeah?
So long, and thanks for all the fish.