That Fucking Tome

Feb 08, 2013 22:57

The tome's odd and fucking hypocritical.

I had some time to flip back like I do, and found another round of the usual, where someone says or does something really stupid and it goes from there -- or somebody has the gall to have a fucking opinion and things explode.  Today, the people on the receiving end of whatever the fuck it all was were whining about how mean and hurtful people were being.

Ex-fucking-scuse me.  Back the fucking kodo up here.

At least one of these whiners does this shit to other people on a regular basis -- people that ain't done no harm and never do as well as people that do a fair bit of prodding themselves.  I'm certain I've had it out with them before (though they wouldn't know it now).

You do it to these people, though, and they're cryin' to whoever's gonna listen about how terrible the fighting is and how bad and nasty and shit.  'Tojo started up but I shut him down -- I had to.

'Course, you get somebody threatening to strike people, oooh they aren't ~afraid~ to strike people, and I've gotta roll my eyes.  Yeah, like it matters, fuck off.

Bragging about striking people's just as bad.  Shut the fuck up.  Nobody cares.  You sound like a dumbshit.

I oughtta strike these assholes myself for my own damned mental health because every time they start up it's a fucking struggle to not raise a ruckus and give myself away if I ain't done that already.  This bullshit pisses me the fuck off.

But hey.  They can be little shits and pick fights, but the moment somebody else has got something to say?  The tome's a terrible place and oh my Loas why can't you people stop fighting this is terrible the world is ending.

I'll probably snap, just give it time.

(( Yes, this is Mat's IC reaction to things happening on Twitter.  He's been sitting on his hands but I'm not sure how long that will last. ))

matojo rants and roars, matojo:orcish, matojo

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