Feb 16, 2004 22:19
Had the Randolph vs Don Bosco game tonight, for any of you who don't know Don Bosco is the best team in the state. Long story short, rink sucked, concrete benches, skate hit concrete bench, blade snapped in half, couldn't play in the biggest game of my life. We lost 5-1. There was a sticker outside the rink that had these valley girl type stickers in them and I bought about 8 of them. The Best one was "CBS - Constant Boy Search." I slapped that on Davis' helmet but he found it. Pete put this one that said "Perfect 10" on Paul Kusik's helmet and never noticed it until he went on the ice. Funniest thing evar. We were dropping hints and everything but he wouldn't realize it. After the game i showed my mom the machine and she just kept giving me money for it because I wanted to get the one that said "Boys are stupid." Never got it, but did get this one that said "NBA - No Boys Allowed." I'm going to put them all in my locker just for fun. I love my new default image. It is teh pwNzOrzz.