Apr 20, 2007 10:56
i've been pretty depressed this week. no reason, just sad.
but the following things are slowly renewing my faith in humainty:
1. planned parenthood. i went in yesterday, filled out three formed and got an exam, lots of tests, a year of birth control and a nice doctor to talk to. and it was all free, thanks to the state of california. everyone was very kind.
2. sean penn. he's fucking insane, but hes awsome enough to go on the colbert show and mock himself. and steven colbert is pretty awsome too.
3. netflix. i love getting movies in the mail!
4. the fact that andrew is getting a six pack. its happen a little at a time.. right now its about a 2.5 pack. but i bet he'll be hott by the summer time!!
but i still need work, and to lose wieght (i'm back up to 140 pounds! unacceptable!). but each day is a new start, right?