Aug 12, 2016 12:33
Piggies who won't eat die, and relatively quickly. Their guts need to move, so his anorexia last Sunday looked very bad. His vet looked him over, rubbed his jaws, fed him goo (which the little weasel took without fighting), and said his molars are looking a little long, so we should think strongly about scheduling an appointment for a trim. We all agreed that it made sense to try to build him up a little first, since there is more chance of losing a piggy who is doing poorly going into a procedure. He was moving around more at the vet's office than at home, too. It's a standing joke that we bring one of the guys in and say, "He's lethargic," and the rodent in question is wandering around the exam room.
We brought Pep home, finished making his jaw sling and put it on him. He hated it. Pushed it off his head into more of a collar, then when I went to retrieve it ten minutes later, it was more of a belt. Silly pigger. Still hates it today, though he is more or less resigned to it. I made some modifications to keep the neoprene totally away from his ears, which helped. He'll wear it for an hour or so before we have to liberate him. And he started eating everything again and looking like himself and managed to stay above the 1kg mark for more than a day at a time. His vet says it is okay to wait another week to see if he can wear down his molars more on his own, then we'll do a recheck.
Pep looks little and cute and sweet, but he can be a sneaky weasel of a guinea pig. He would be king of the world if were just bigger and more coordinated.