(no subject)

Dec 29, 2011 11:51

Christmas was quiet. Hit the doldrums on Christmas eve evening, but woke up re-energised on Sunday morning. Tuesday lunchtime, emmzzi arrived for a stop-over on her way back to the Midlands from Scotland. We did a mini trip to the sales, i.e. Lakeland and JJB Sports (new running shoes for moi), and then went to see Sherlock Holmes 2 in the evening. Really enjoyed it. She saw another friend in the area yesterday morning, then we had lunch out yesterday before she headed off.

Currently working on my play, 30 pages of which is due for submission on Mon 9th Jan. whatho very kindly had a look at it and gave me some detailed and very helpful feedback on it. The main thing to do when writing a play is not reveal too much, make the characters keep their secrets and talk around them while still trying to get what they want. This I find difficult, as I'm not a massively digressive person by nature (INFJ ahoy). So I'm now going back and expanding bits, without making it exposition-y. *tears hair out a bit*

What else? My brother, sis-in-law and nephew are coming overnight tomorrow night (they're in the UK from Australia for a while over Christmas/New Year). Otherwise, keep working on my writing and trying not to eat too much...

creative writing ma, films, friends, fan-meets

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