In case you're interested, the Electoral Commission has the
official referendum results website which will be updated as results come in on a region-by-region basis. Anecdotal evidence apparently suggests that in areas such as London with no other elections, the turnout was low which can only be good for the Yes campaign, I reckon. Counting begins at 4pm, with the first results expected from 6.30pm.
For my next class I have to choose a play and talk about some aspect other than the dialogue: staging, props, costumes, etc etc. I think I'm going to do Waiting for Godot. Had a busy morning so far: the British Heart Foundation came to collect the old fridge-freezer, so that meant I was free to load up the car and make another run to the tip, which cleared out most of the rest of the rubbish from the garage. Also called in to see my friendly local car mechanic and booked in to get the dodgy indicator light seen to once and for all. This afternoon: work on this play and bake a banana cake before the old bananas give up the ghost completely.
A bleedin' cat has dug up my grow bag. There's an overweight grey one that I often chase off the garden, so I suspect it to be the culprit. Luckily the strawberry plants are unharmed, but there is compost everywhere. Grrr.