To my faithful readers...

Feb 09, 2006 23:48

Hi all, Time for my weekly post about the goings on from the point of view of me. This week has been interesting and as varied as the weather. Monday, it rained and was cold and Boone left me in the rain for 20 minutes but I averaged 65 over three games in Bowling that day. Tuesday, we had our SWI club meeting and elected officers and somehow (still not exactly sure how this happened) I got elected publicity chair which basically means that I'm in charge of campus emails.
I'm still not sure how I feel about that but I can survive until the end of the semester so it'll be alright. I've noticed that I seem to be picking up more organizations and more importantly (or frighteningly) more leadership positions in those organizations. As much as I like being in the know for everything, actually being in charge of anything makes me VERY nervous. Well Carrie says that I need to step out of my comfort zone and Mama says that I should get over my inferiority complex and since they are a couple of the smartest women I know, I guess I should listen to them. We'll see how it goes. Moving on.

In other news, Dr. Balazs and Sophie are planning a trip to Montreal for the week after Finals as a fun educational trip for no credit.  Its a five day trip and since its not for credit, there's no "class" and more importantly NO PAPER!!  The other good thing is I think it will only cost me about $1000 for hotel, plane, and food. Maybe spending money if I'm frugal and the tickets aren't real expensive.  Not real sure on the details yet but I'm optimistic.  I might finally have an excuse to get a passport that won't cost me my first born to go on.  Definately something to think about for the start of summer vacation.

Well that's main news of the week that I can think of at this moment.  I'm quite tired as it has been a long week. Not as long as it has been for some of you but it's still long to me.  I will not be going to Jackson tomorrow as was once the original game plan for the Heart Affair is in two weeks.  I'll be chillin' in Columbus trying to be productive but most importantly trying not to hinder Carrie from being so.  Have a wonderful weekend and catch y'all in the funny papers.
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