Fandom difficulties

Mar 12, 2011 13:13

*Figureing out what goes on in Kingdom Hearts without 140+ hours and 3 pieces of hardware. Or listening to snarky people on youtube.

*Showing up late to Avatar: the Last Airbender with zero intrest in The Movie or The Shipping.
-Even worse is trying to find a discussion about the sequel (SEQUEL!) that doesn't bring up the Shipping.

*Trying to find decent podcasts. For anything. Mugglecast has spoiled me horribly.

*The Cape going the way of Firefly except no one cares. Guys, there was a Carnival of Crime, a pseudo-magical cape and all kinds of general craziness. It was awesome.

*Having people follow/listen to me. It's intimidating as hell. The internet allows me to vent to the aether, but now it almost matters. Crazy.

fandom stuff, whining, blather

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