Caprica: the hulu experience

Mar 27, 2010 18:18

 I remember when BSG started to suck.  One of the warning signs of an awful episode became the words "10 hours ago",  It meant we'd get an incomprehensible mishmash of visuals with a bunch of seemingly unconnected subplots interspersed with clips of something exciting that would happen/was happening/ did happen and you needed to go to TWOP to figure out what the heck went down.

So now that Caprica's doing it too, I worry that it's going to start to suck.  Seriously, it worked *once* in Scar, because *everything* in the episode led up to that dogfight.  This episode?  You have too many.  Too many goddam plots with none of them having any connection to planes flying through the forest.  I spent most of the episode thinking it was part of New Cap City.  So when it ended, it was a major let down.  It could have been  *SPOILERS?* forest, bridge, bomb, handgun for a gut-punch of an ending.  But instead it was stuff - handgun - stuff - stuff - bridge - stuff - bomb - stuff - crash - phone culminating in one great big apathetic : meh.

Also, why are we waisting time on more Zoe angst?  We *know* the cylons will be mass produced.  Can we get there already?  Good God, but can we either hurry the heck up or go back to the Adama's?

I'm glad I didn't get my hopes up.

caprica, whining, bsg

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