Lots and lots of the people I normally get all with trying out a new web feature have had emails to Google+ and are having fin getting it working
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The first is just utterly off the wall weird. The Secret Origins of Clippy tells us how MS patented all those bloody talking paperclips. Most scary: Read the whole patent, and you’ll see that Microsoft put immense effort into the technical logistics of implementing Clippy. He wasn’t the spawn of a moment of temporary insanity; he was the result of
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So, my web host package for TaKtiX expires on Tuesday, so given I'm barely using it I'm backing it all up to prepare to move it all to a cheaper server
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From the Hall: GmailThis! This are useful java bookmarklet-highlight some text, click the BM, get a pop up containing the text and the page URL, should work in any browser, nice way of emailing useful info or even just storing something.
(tags: emailGooglegmailbookmarklet)
Official Google Blog: Yahoo! and the future of the Internet:Could Microsoft now attempt to exert the same sort of inappropriate and illegal influence over the Internet that it did with the PC? Interesting times it seems. Can that be read as anything other than "gloves off, come on then"?
So then, Google and brad have finally launched their social graph API. Simple version: Your friends list on LJ, Twitter, MySpace, FaceBook etc are public information. So if this takes off (and it will) you'll be able to log into one and find out if your friends from one are on the other. If the information is private, then you'll need permission,
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Substantially mixed bag this lot, some clearouts, most new from today. Let's start with the best shadow art I've ever seen, so very cool.
Now onto some Google Külness. Google Mars. It's like Google Maps, but on Mars! Really does bring into relief what KSTR meant when he talked about the great northern sea. After that, How to Make Gmail/Gcal
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I am ever so slightly in love with the Metro news web editor. Quoth burge in a comment at tyrell's last week, and I'm inclined to agree. Why? Well, today's top weird story is Google: now searching for snakes about how they lost a snake in one of their offices. The story itself is merely amusing. The reason the edito is cool is because of the way they're
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El Reg reports that you can now rent people to join your protest in Germany. Potential protesters get paid, but aren't obliged to agree unless it's something they agree with. Hmm, attack on the principles of democracy, an example of 'everything for sale', or a simple way to motivate otherwise apathetic activists? Let's face it, if you were going
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