Isn't actually that bad to complete, and I've enjoyed reading the ones others have done, so here goes.
30 years ago I was
3 years old. Staying at my grandparents while my parents got ready to move to the house they still live in. The house that I'm sat in now as it happens. After typing this, just went and chatted to Dad. 15th November we actually moved in here, weird.
20 years ago I was
13 years old. 2nd year at school, just up the road, it's Friday, so I'd be getting ready to go to the Sea Scouts group I suspect, probably to be dropped off at Gareth's--saw him last Xmas, he's now a copper based in Paignton. It was probably about now that I got given my first Pratchett book to read, and we had a crazy Roman Catholic form tutor who insisted that we learnt the basics of every world religion--hated it then, really grateful for that knowledge now.
15 years ago
18. Last year of 6th form, again, around the corner. The headmaster had given up on getting me to turn up on time, so I'd been asked to come in the back way to not disturb assembly--my inability to wake up in the mornings persists to this day, and is simething Jennie shares. I was awfully shy, and did virtually no work whatsoever, I'm amased I passed any of my exams considering.
10 years ago
I'd recently taken on the role of assistant manager of the Exeter branch of Games Workshop. The day I started, they announced the plans to demolish the shopping centre it was then based in. The company arranged to move site, but then the plans got rejected and redone (thanks Mr Prescott), so now the new location was also to be demolished. That redevelopement finally finished this year, ten years after initially sought for. I'd spent the first half of the year living in Salisbury bored out of my mind in the smallest "city" in the country, moving back to my parents and getting used to Exeter (and the commute) was such a relief.
It was around this time I started the thoughts that put me onto that "life changing decision" that I finally 11 months later.
5 years ago
I'd recently graduated, after 3 years as a mature student and an Access to HE course for a year before that. I'd taken a full time job for a year to pay off debts, with the intention of then going back to train to be a teacher. The one-year job became a 4 year stretch, enjoyed it, learnt a helluva lot, but I'm glad to be out of it now.
2 years ago
Hmm, I look back. It appears I was getting over being head over heels in love with
faeriecween (who now plots things against me with
snapesbabe almost constantly), and playing around with my then new desktop PC--weird, thought I'd had it longer than that. Apart from that, the joy of work was gone and I was beginning to just go-through-the-motions IIRC, although it may've been around then that Alex started (and the turnaround began), I forget.
1 year ago
I was planning to leave work but unable to tell anyone except my then boss, so I was training my replacement without being able to tell him that was what we were doing. Single, and looking forward to moving away from the area. Glad I did. It really was a lovely place to grow up, and remains a great place to visit, but living here? Maybe when I've made the fortune and want to sit down and be lazy. I'd need a fortune to even buy this house now.
Worked during the day, then spent the evening playing board games with Shrub, SB and my parents, especially the old marble dropping game Intrigue. Ah yeah, *googles*. Hmm, also known as, and possibly available as
Stadium Checkers, or you can buy a 2nd hand original for about
£20. A game that a 4-year-old can pick up, but a 33 year old board game geek can still enjoy? That's gotta be worth it, right?
Dragged myself to the work desk at ten, spent half the day swearing at the database server for not recording my changes, the other half on the phone. Evening in, probably, parents are out, might go to pub when they get back.
To be decided, probably Exeter to see the sites, meet people and possibly look at the new Princesshay. We'll let you know if you've expressed an interest.