There are some people that like "snap previews". They like annoying, bandwidth hogging javascript pop ups that come up when your mouse passes a link[2]. I'm not one of them. You might be, and if so I can, when I've time, rant at great length about why they degrade the user experience, clutter the web and really don't actually help in any way. But for now a heads up. If You haven't explicitly turned them off from your journal, they're
now switched on by default[1]. There's more about
how awful Snap Previews are and that includes links to how they're planning on filling them with ads. Turning them off is
really easy and I highly recommend you do it, not just for yourself, but for anyone that reads your journal as well. I sleep now.
spacecowb0y has given us this
howto on blocking them with adblock, which I personally don't use but I know others do.[1] Basic and sponsored users are turned on by default-that paid users aren't? It's because they'll end up revenue sharing the ads.
[2] Anil? You never did point us to the UI research that
said Regular people on the web *love* Snap previews. I'd love to see it, really, because it seems so utterly wrong to me and I like having my preconceptions challenged. So if you do get the chance (of course, I may've missed it as well-I did look around a bit at the time of the discussion)