So I'm sitting on the subway yesterday, looking at the usual mindless adverstisements for CDI College, the Canadian Men's Clinic and the shameless self-promoting by the TTC, when one poster catches my eye; it's an ad for the upcoming Jewish Film Festival and it reads "Discover your inner Jew
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Good thing you are jewish (not in belief), cause alot of peeps might misunderstand you.
But I do agree. Check this out for example:
Nepal, constitutionally a Hindu kingdom with long-standing legal provisions prohibiting discrimination against other religions and proselytization, is the only official Hindu country in the world.
A) A country that although it has a prescribed state religion still respects them all.
B) Makes proselytization a crime (What an idea! Charging fucks for using pretty word and veiled threats to convert the hard-working indigenous people of other countries)
I mean crap. Religion is a good IDEA. But as with everything people decide to fuck with, it's been corrupted. Religion is supposed to instill societies with life values that cross race and region. But, oh no, our ideas are better than yours and in fact if you don't accept my ideas, you'll "burn" in a "hell" once you die (because death is hardly the worst thing that could happen to you).
Seriously though, I almost want to die sometimes, so that I can see what's beyond that door and shit in the bed of whomever is waiting there for me (except my peeps of course).
or am I missing your point 8?
But, I find it interesting that you began your reply with "good thing you're jewish..." Suppose I wasn't, then most people would read me as an anti-semite. I find it amusing that one who is critical of judiaism is labelled an anti-semite.
Also, religion does provide values and a positive influence in one's life, how ever religion also provides a venue for people to take power, and a very unique kind at that. When one has power over another's moral belief system, the potential for corruption, as you noted, is overwhelming.
But don't you find that hilarious. Religion in and of itself pretty much means you believe that man (in the humanity snesse of the word) is not the be all and end all. Which begs the question: If you'se down wit religion, why would you answer to any another man but yourself?
If I believe that little bit more I could pull off being a priest...
or if I was looking to bend people to my will...
or if I liked altar boys...
I mean we're (the royal we) supposed to trust spiritual leaders and they literally bugger some of us.
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