After school I went over to Sheena's and hung with Lachlan, Rob, Chelsa and Woody. We watched Haggard. Flippin' good.
rob et sun <33
rob & woody
they kissed for me!!
lachlan fuckin' hotassss loll
lol woody said the fairy called me??!
aww a knot :(:(
both lachlan and rob were championship yo-yoers... seriously.. i didn't think there was such thing
- halloween was wonderful; i dressed up at ferris bueller. i spent halloween evening with woody & evan. - i went to a party with a boy on saturday night and had a very good time. - i snuck out 2 nights in a row and didn't get caught. - i leave for calgary next week. yesss. - ohhh cinnimon vodka how i love youu. - i like a boy. he likes me too. - i don't know why i still do this.