I'm tired. And it's been too long.

Jul 12, 2006 15:37

So I know a lot of you asked me if I was even using this thing anymore, and at times I wonder if it's a good thing for me. But I've been on lj way longer than this crappy feeling has been with me, so yeah.

Let's start with yesterday. A Blue Line train ran off the track at 5:09pm and then trash and rubber under the train caught fire, causing the tunnel to fill with smoke and ash. People had to walk out on a narrow ledge lining the tunnel and leave the subway through an emergency exit. I wasn't on the train, and I don't know anyone that was, thankfully. I was caught in the aftermath though. I tried to get on the train at about 5:10pm at the Jackson stop. After boarding the train I started to read my book and the conductor announced that we would "be stopped momentarily due to an equipment problem ahead." Then I looked out the window and heard someone explaining/yelling the situation and saw a mass exodus of people from the train platform. Everyone I was with remained calmly in the car, but I knew something was up, so I left and asked a nice man what they had announced. He told me that there was a fire and the trains wouldn't be moving anytime soon. I went above ground in the rain and tried to hail a cab. At rush hour it's so difficult to find an empty cab. So I got one (after 15 minutes) but a handicapped woman had been waiting near me, so I gave the cab to her...and I got no wave or nod or thank you or anything. Makes you not want to be so kind to the rest of humanity. I hailed another one after a while and while confirming that he could take my credit card he asked me where I was going, I told him Logan and Kedzie and he told me his machine didn't work for cards, throwing me out of his cab (liar). I waited for another 20 minutes and caught a cab and when I told him where to go he scoffed and then said he was off his shift in 30 minutes, so he couldn't go there (bullshit). So I said "Okay, well, refusing to give me a ride is against the law, sir. What's your cab number? 1603? Alright, thanks." And so I wrote the number down and then reported it late last night. I called Craig to come pick me up but he was in a really long meeting that he couldn't get out of right away. Finally after I calmed down I thought to take the Brown Line to Diversey and then take the bus home. I could've done that earlier, but I wasn't thinking straight. I ended up getting home at 7:30pm, stressed, tired, wet, and hungry. My day wasn't nearly as bad as the people on the train that caused the problem, but it was still upsetting.
I hate that even though it's against the law when their "not for hire" sign is unlit, cab drivers think they can refuse to take you places. It's because that guy wanted to get all of the short downtown rush hour fares instead of taking me way Northwest and then having to come back. The drivers think they're safe because people will fail to report them. I wish more people would report them...I heard that if they get three violations they get an $800 fine. They just don't care, and it sucks.

My summer calendar has been kind of nuts and it's about to get even crazier. In the coming weeks here's what is going on:
7/19 Cirque du Soleil
7/21 White Sox
7/28 Dashboard Confessional
7/29-30 Pitchfork Music Festival
8/4-6 Lollapalooza
8/18 Rainer Maria

And I'm sure there's more that I haven't noted. I saw Tilly and the Wall last month, where I saw treefort for the first time in a while! But it was a little too loud to hear properly and she couldn't sit with us, so that was sad. I went to see Dillinger 4 and The Methadones last week which was fun. I saw quite a few people I knew there, which is always nice.

Jwithington came into town last month and again this past Monday, so I went out to Delilah's with him. This Monday was dangerous. I only spent $2 the whole night, but I had at least 6, possibly 7 beers. It was just like old times. I told Jim that he is the link that brings us all back together and makes it easier for us all to joke around again. Plus, Matt brought his sister Julia who was visiting from London, and she was totally awesome! I want her to be my new best friend..it's too bad she lives so far away. She knew all the critical comments I was going to make before I made them, she had this cute half accent, and she complimented my ring. I got pretty drunk (it hit me more once I was home) and finally went to bed at about 2:30am. Ah, Delilah's. Oh, and Tim indirectly knows Almost Kramer from punk rock nights. Weird!

I haven't been out a lot lately because I moved to a new, much larger, much nicer apartment on June 15th. It's been almost a month and I'm still only about halfway unpacked. I'm hoping to be done by the end of the month, though. Then Danelle could stay with me, yay! But the unpacking/new apartment has led to a great deal of stress for me lately. I mean, I'm dating this amazing guy that loves me enough to want to hang out with me every second of every day. So I want to do that, but I need time for me and time to unpack as well. And it's me, by myself, in this huge apartment that isn't that clean, with all of my stuff. So I have to clean a ton, then lay contact paper down on every shelf, cut to fit, and then finally think about putting something on the shelf. I know, I'm a whiner, but when you have a full time job and your boyfriend wants the majority of your weekend time, it's just difficult. Ugh. It will be done though.

Another thing: my hair is no longer red in front. I was getting tired of it. It's now all a slightly darker shade of brown that Rachel recommended to me and I love it. I bought some teal hair dye a while ago and plan to put that in at some point, but it's kind of nice to have normal-ish hair for a bit. I'm growing out the bangs too.

I need a couch, an unpacking fairy, a winning lotto ticket, a fancy art job, a kick in my ass to start my thesis, and a few new awesome friends in the Chicagoland area.
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