So spring break was nice. It was worth it to go home with David, even if at times it was uncomfortable and I was so nervous about making good impressions on his parents.
The day after we got there (12 hours after we got there, actually), there was a bridal shower for some people that even David didn't know. So that was rather awkward. And me being introverted in the first place, having dozens of very extraverted women making a fuss, I kind of avoided it and hung out with the men instead. It wasn't so bad to hide away upstairs playing pool while all the women did their games and presents and things.
I got to meet a lot of David's friends, though, and that was nice. They're mostly the sort of people who I would have been friends with myself. So I got along well with them. Especially with David's best friend, which is of course best of all. We played at a park, and watched Bubba Ho-tep, got ice cream, and played the Wii.
Most of the week was just spending time around the house, though. I played a lot of StarCraft with David, his dad, and sometimes his little sister. My skills improved a lot because of how much we played. And I learned to play Protoss. David's promised me he'll help me improve Zerg soon, too. It's always good to be able to play more than one race well, since previously I only knew Terran. We also played a lot of Boggle, me, David and his parents. That was also fun.
And oh there was so much eating. David's mom is a great cook, and we had lots of food for the bridal shower and then just regular meals. Plus going out, because David had a bunch of local places that he wanted to show off.
Our anniversary was on Saturday, which was our last day there. We went hiking around Folsom Lake, and then kayaking on the American River. The area is so gorgeous. It was an excellent date. I loved being able to kayak again, since I haven't been able to since way back in high school. My arms and back were exhuasted afterwards, in the good way. And when we got back yesterday, my anniversary gift for David had been delivered, so it was a day belated getting to him. I got him a pair of silver cufflinks in the shape of two quaver notes. He had broken one of his cufflinks a while back, so they're to replace them, and the old ones were just black circles, and since he most often wears his tux for concerts, I figured musical notes would be much better. He loved them, so I'm happy that I was able to come up with something so nice.
Now it's back to school. How sad. I was kind of depressed coming back, because the Sacramento area is so much prettier than southern Arizona. I miss the green. A lot. It seems so dirty and cramped here by comparison. I'm glad I'm looking at grad schools in that area, because I'd be happy to live in northern California for awhile.
Right now I'm trying to figure out what classes I'll be taking next semester, since registration is this weekend. It's my last semester, so it's important I take exactly what I need. No room for missing one, because I don't have another semester to take it later. And it's so hard to fit everything I need together. It's not going to be a pretty schedule. It's so weird, to think that this will be it. Scary.