Apr 03, 2006 21:50
I haven't updated in forever because I kind-of-sorta forgot this journal existed. Okay, so, small quickie update:
My senior exhibition is due on Wednesday
It's Monday
My Portfolio is due in three weeks
I leave for NY Thursday at 7am
I'll be spending 5 days across the country with RUBEN(picture Henry VIII, with modern clothing), for gods sake
I feel rather miserable and rather-very-much behind at the moment
I've got this crush on someone, and I have for, well.. years.. and I've been trying to get over it for.. well.. years.. and now I sit next to him again and that means he's even harder to forget (last year was easy), and that sucks balls. He hates me, he never wants to see me again.
I feel like wearing a T-shirt that says "TEENAGE ANGST" in large, red, block-lettering. Why is it that I feel silly when I angst, but when JOHN does it, it's done so easily? (Maybe it's because John's a shameless angst-hoe.) Maybe because I feel, perpetually, like an ass. Now you guys know why I constantly ask(ed) for reassurance: I fe(lt)el like an ass. I suppose it doesnt matter now, because now I KNOW I'm an ass, and not worth being friends with.
I'm sorry, I really should just stop typing, but maybe I'll just delete this later. It feels good to get this out. Or worse; I cant tell. This post is just snowballing into a clump of angst, really. Why is it I only realize I have a heart when it feels like it's breaking?I'll just go snuggle with the cat; that makes everything better.