Nobody Cares, Just Run Your Company: Цитаты из Книги Бена Хоровица The Hard Thing about Hard Things

Apr 22, 2016 21:12

Для меня хорошая книга - это такая книга, которую можно прочитать несколько раз и каждый раз найти что-то новое. Или такая, которую прочтут разные люди, и каждый из них найдет что-то важное лично для себя (даже если это будет абсолютно нерезонировать с остальными читателями).

Книга Бена Хоровица The Hard Thing about Hard Things как раз такая. Я уверен, что кто-то найдет для себя множество практичных уроков по управлению компанией, мне же книга интересна немного с других позиций, о которых я, может быть, позже напишу. Я все еще ее читаю и напишу отзыв, когда закончу, но пока хочу провести несколько мотивирующих цитат, которые мне особенно запомнились:

"People always ask me, "What's the secret to being a successful CEO?" Sadly, there is no secret, but there is one skill that stands out, it's the ability to focus and make the best move when there are no good moves. It's the moments where you feel most like hiding or dying that you can make the biggest difference as a CEO."

Вот еще:

"The Struggle is when you are surrounded by people and you are all alone. The Struggle has no mercy.

The Struggle is the land of broken promises and crushed dreams. The Struggle is a cold sweat. The Struggle is where your guts boil so much that you feel like you are going to spit blood...

Every great entrepreneur from Steve Jobs to Mark Zuckeberg went through the Struggle and struggle they did, so you are not alone. But that does not mean you will make it. You may not make it. That is why it it the Struggle.

The Struggle is where greatness comes from."

И вот еще:

"When things go wrong in your company, nobody cares. The media don't care, your investors don't care, your board doesn't care, your employees don't care, and even your mama doesn't care.

Nobody cares.

And they are right not to care. A great reason for failing won't preserve one dollar for your investors, won't save one employee's job, or get you one new customer. It especially won't make you feel one bit better when you shut down your company and declare bankruptcy.

All the mental energy you use to elaborate your misery would be far better used trying to find the one seemingly impossible way out of your current mess. Spend zero time on what you could have done, and devote all of your time on what you might do. Because in the end, nobody cares; just run your company."

И, пожалуй, квинтэссенция всего:

"Startup CEOs should not play the odds. When you are building a company, you must believe there is an answer and you cannot pay attention to your odds of finding it. You just have to find it. It matters not whether your chances are nine in ten or one in a thousand; your task is the same."

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