Application - Splendorocity

Dec 08, 2020 21:07

Player Information:
Name: Tracy
Journal: shadowsinchaos
Method of Contact: AIM - turbotracy14
Previous characters: None

Character Information:
Full Name: Eraqus
Series: Kingdom Hearts
Canon point: Just as he see’s Ventus returning to the Land of Departure (before fighting Terra, before trying to kill/seal Ven)
Age: Early fifties, 52
Species: Human
Appearance/PB: Click here
Appearance upon arrival: Same really but calm, mildly concerned and confused by the fact that this is not home.

Previous RP memories: None
Bringing someone along?: No
Character History: Wik-istory


Strong-hearted and wise (by no means beyond his years), Eraqus treats all three of his apprentices as if they were his own children. He trains with them often, making sure they’ll skills reflect what they are capable of and nothing less. This may make him seem strict, which is not untrue, but he does care deeply about them and wants them to meet their potential. He won’t deny the opportunity to take on an apprentice, believing it to be his utmost duty to train Keybearers: even after the falling out he and Xehanort experienced, he still took in Ventus as an apprentice.

A strong believer in Light, he teaches his students that fighting the Darkness is the best way to maintain the balance of the Worlds. He is in constant reminder of this with the scars Xehanort’s Dark attack left on his face and the fact that his home is on the border before the Realm of Light and the Realm of Darkness.

He tends to be sensitive to betrayal, having experienced it first hand with both his apprentice and his closest friend, Xehanort as well as several other times throughout his life. Eraqus, however, does not hold grudges. Evidence of this is, despite the fight he and Xehanort had years earlier, he invited Xehanort to the Mark of Master Exam that Terra and Aqua were undergoing. He’s good-natured, caring and though he smiles rarely, that does not mean he never does.

Character Abilities: Eraqus is capable of summoning his Keyblade which grants him the ability to unlock anything which includes doors, Hearts and the paths to other worlds. These abilities will obviously be far more mild in-game. The Keyblade is a sentient weapon so if anyone were to try to take it from Eraqus, it would vanish from their grip and reappear in his own hand.

Otherwise, Eraqus has mastery over all magic’s except Darkness which he, obviously, has an aversion to. A lot of his fighting is Light-based and can even perform a quick move which seems like his opponent is being struck by several Keyblades at once. Eraqus, while he never shows it, has access to Keyblade Armor which both protects his Heart from Darkness and protects him against attacks as armor should. He is also capable of transforming his Keyblade into a Glider but it is never show due to his position as protector of the Land of Departure.

Eraqus can sense the Hearts of those around him, can sense whether their Hearts are full of Light, Darkness, balanced or which way their Heart leans. And, as seen during the exam, he is able to summon orbs of pure Light.
Possessions: His clothes, Keyblade
Anything else: His armor though he doesn’t wear a piece of it as his apprentices do.

Action/Communication thread/post sample:

Click this link here

Log/Prose sample:

Eraqus walked along the fields of the Land of Departure. It had been far to long since he had ventured a fair distance from the castle but upcoming events had him worried and he felt the need to walk and think. A light breeze fell across his face, helping the old Master relax albeit slightly less than he had hoped it might. He’d heard nothing of Xehanort for years and yet he had no difficulty accepting Eraqus’ invitation to observe the Mark of Mastery Exam that Terra and Aqua would be undergoing in only a few short days. That thought alone took him back to older days, when he had first brought Terra and Aqua to this World, away from their families.

They had been young, hardly six or seven. Terra was older that Aqua but the small, blue-haired child had showed a wisdom far older than Terra’s behavior. That alone had surprised Eraqus and they had both surprised him even more a few, short, weeks later when they summoned their own Keyblade’s. Although they didn’t have the strength or skills to use them, it pleased him nonetheless. He helped them carve wooden Keyblade’s in the likeness of their own. And then, he started putting them through more difficult paces.

“Come Terra, show me your strength.” He had urged the young man dueling with Aqua. Aqua was graceful, carefully taking in her opponents movements but Terra, when he attacked, put all his strength into it which threw Aqua off balance.

“Aqua, on your feet.” He never yelled at them, not once. He didn’t believe fear or anger would press them to realize their full potential. Only place fear in their Hearts which would push them into Darkness and it was their duty as Keybearer’s to fight the Darkness.

And now… Now Xehanort was warning him that there was a Darkness in Terra, just waiting to be awakened. Even still, Eraqus had the utmost confidence in his pupil that he would hold the Darkness at bay and keep himself tied to the Light.

application, g: splendorocity, !ooc

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