Yea Dems!

Nov 09, 2006 10:22

I actually voted, though I really don't think it mattered too much.

I simply like knowing that I am in the majority and have made a good decision for once! That's right, I am telling everyone that I voted Democrat in the recent midterm elections. I know many people think that how you vote is a private thing, but I think after the fact you should be able to walk around and proudly declare (whether you win or not) what your voting preference was.

On another note, I had a job interview recently with a certain paint company. I refuse to talk about the companies am interviewing for by name because I don't want to "get in trouble" in case they look me up. I figure that I can get away with saying a few things by talking in generalities, but we'll see.

I really like this company, especially the people I interviewed with. The gentleman who interviewed me is actually in charge of the midwest, so that is a HUGE plus. I think it went rather well and I am fairly (not 100% though) confident that I will get a second interview in a couple weeks. It sounds like a decent job and I would be excited to actually have something lined up for December.

On another note, this is where I planned on ranting about a lot of stuff. I can't seem to remember anything that I wanted to really lay on here because I have been distracted by too much stuff. I am worrying about projects still, the weather has been nice, and my buddy Ray is back from Iraq, so I guess I really don't have enough to complain about.

By the way, if you haven't already, please download Firefox since my blogs seem to look better in it that Internet Explorer. It's free and fun to play with, so don't be afraid. It will take some getting used, but it does pretty much everything IE7 will have and more! So go download!


Bein' Me

Lab Sounds at the Gerdin Building between classes
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