I am so sick of this cold weather, I do not even have words for it. This is California! I should not be freezing this badly in November! I don't think I even got my coat out of storage before I came back from winter holiday last year, but I am seriously considering it this week. And I broke down tonight and bought a pair of fingerless gloves from Sock Dreams, because all the buildings in the Quad are positively frigid and I like being able to feel my hands during class.
At times like these I am really impossibly glad that I decided not to go to the University of Chicago, even though I thought it was my dream school. One Chicago winter would have done me in for sure.
It was worth freezing to death wandering around campus in the dark though, because I got to go to a concert! A very very tiny concert at the CCRMA, only about 50 people, and we didn't even have a stage. It was neat, very friendly - the singer (who is my music teacher, which is why I was there), explained the background and style of each piece before she performed it, and afterwards, kept asking the audience questions about the rhythmic structure and their emotional responses and stuff. It was neat, very friendly. And while I don't really have the patience for dhrupad (I'm working on it! I think it's fascinating and really gorgeous! It's just that my mind tends to wander during the alap), bhakti poetry = MY FAVORITE EVER. I think my professor's Khabir-love is rubbing off on me. So yeah, fun concert was fun, and now I am going to thaw myself off and go to bed early. And probably dream about Khabir.
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