This has really been a deeply baffling week - not bad, not enough is going on for it to be bad, just...baffling.
Aside from all the pie-baking and bathroom cleaning I did this weekend (the pie, by the way, turned out marvelous, and I got to invite Freshman Guy over and feed some to him while we argued about world domination, so that was fun), I was very busy getting my Levinthal Tutorial application together. Which, as it turned out, involved taking one of my stories from last year, ripping out the entire last third, and rewriting it into a story with an entirely different and vaguely more depressing point. I'm a lot happier with the story now - I don't know what I was thinking with that original ending, it was dreadful - but it was pretty crazy trying to fix it in time for the deadline without falling behind on all my other work. And I won't even find out whether I got into the Levinthal thing until the beginning of next month. Yay nail-biting anxiety!
In the category of My Brain Fails At Having Priorities, I pulled a completely and utterly unneeded all-nighter on Monday, because I decided that Sherlock fic was, like, totally more important than sleep. Sleep is for chumps! Chumps who don't realize they could be reading about Watson freaking out after Sherlock fakes his own death. And even after I read All The Sherlock Fic in the World I still couldn't find the one thing I'm really dying to read, which is the one where pre-series Sherlock thinks he is control of his habit and using cocaine in a sensible, reasonable, rational manner and is really, really wrong about that. Which, Lestrade explains to John, they realized when Sherlock ODs in the middle of a crime scene. Man, why do I always fall for the terminally fucked-up characters?
Semi-relatedly, this weekend I re-discovered BBC Radio 7, and I think I'm in love. Police dramas! Stupid British sit-coms! Vaguely creepy horror stories! Dramatized classic literature! CRIME-SOLVING WELSH MONKS. It's like everything I love on television, but I don't have to try to pretend I'm paying attention to the screen, which makes it ideal for a) studying and b) playing Dungeons and Dragons Online. Both of which I do a lot. I foresee a lot of my time in the near future being given up to radio dramas. Especially since they are dramatizing What Ho Jeeves this month.
And now back to work! SO MUCH WORK.
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