The Common Midget Is Not Naturally An Aquatic Mammal

Aug 17, 2010 20:51

I went to four different swimming pools today, and never actually got to go swimming. Honestly it was just an afternoon of frustrated ambitions all around.

Two of the state schools go back this week, so almost none of hanjuuluver's friends could come to the back-to-school pool hanging out we had planned. Not that it would have been a pool hang out anyway - the pool at the park where we started out was closed, and the pool on the other side of town, and the community pool in the new housing development. And we vetoed the gym pool on the grounds it was fifteen dollars to get in. We would have gone celebrity stalking, but we weren't sure where they were filming Fright Night this week and didn't want to waste gas driving all over, so we rescheduled it for next weekend when she gets back from school. With a lack of better options presenting themselves, we went recreationally grocery shopping at the organic grocery by the pool and price-shopped fedoras at Ross instead. Eventually we went back to hanjuuluver's house with D and got into a water fight using the kiddie pool in the backyard. That was fun! But it wasn't exactly the picnic/party we had hoped for.

On the bright side, while we were at the park we did decapitate a dinosaur pinata. We spent the rest of the day carrying around a severed head full of candy.

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fail, people who are awesome

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