T minus 7, 3, and 9.88. Therefore, t-7=3t-9.88

Oct 04, 2003 13:10

Like a tiger, Mastermund sneaks in and steals the list of 100 facts mercilesssly and noticed. Panicking, he reads a Douglas Adams book

1) This is the first fact.
2) I am Robert.
3) I was born the day the Berlin Wall was ton down.
4) 69 more facts until fact 73.
5) I like Monty Python.
6) I like "The Lumberjack Song."
7) Michael Palin is a funny comedian.
8) So is John Cleese.
9) And now for something completely different.
10) 63 more facts until fact 73.
11) I also like Mystery Science Theater 3000.
12) It's a great show.
13) So is The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.
14) I have my own radio station.
15) It plays rock.
16) I like rock.
17) I am not a rock.
18) I hate rap.
19) I also hate country.
20) I also hate George W. Bush.
21) I will never be a politician.
22) I will never be what I'm not.
23) I have a LiveJournal.
24) I am Captain Obvious, but don't tell anyone.
25) 100/25=4
26) 47 more facts until fact 73.
27) I have a Gamcube.
28) I have four games for it.
29) I like computer games.
30) I'm writing 100 facts in this entry.
31) I think Bill Gates is evil.
32) So area bunch of people.
33) "Never ascribe to malice what can be explained by stupidity."
34) Don't panic.
35) I can do some algebra.
36) Soon I'll be trying to get into University High School.
37) I post pictures on deviantart.com.
38) I also like homestarrunner.com.
39) Strong Bad is funny.
40) "Hewwo! I'm Homestaw Wunneh!"
41) Real Life Comics is a funny comic.
42) Greg Dean writes funny jokes.
43) Weird Al Yankovic is also funny.
44) www.amazon.com is www.amazon.com.
45) I'm Captain Obvious.
47) "For I am Captain Obvious!"
48) Once I spent two weeks as Captain Obvious.
49) I like the Redwell series. The last Redwall book I read was Taggerung.
50) Brian Jaques writes good books.
51) I'm concerned that Megz's Jim plushie has committed suicide four times.
52) There must be some weird physics thing going on.
53) Like in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
54) I've played the original HHG2TG game.
55) 18 more facts until fact 73!
56) I saw the world premeire of the play "Over the Moon."
57) It was hilarious.
58) It was put on by the Arizona Theatre Company.
59) I'm taking comedy improv classes.
60) Anna Risley, a former SNL cast member, is teaching them.
61) I need to learn how to stop cracking up while performing.
62) I'm improving, though.
63) I have a Hebrew-English Dictionary.
64) I can speak some Hebrew.
65) 8 more facts until fact 73!
66) 73-7=66
67) purplemath.com
68) Math can be purple!
69) I'm not a thief -- I just steal things!
70) 3 more facts until fact 73!
71) I'm listening to a Monkees CD right now.
72) Here it comes.
73) It's fact 73!
74) I like the word ="gabbleblotchits."
75) Can you say "gabbleblotchits?"
76) Kevin Nealon once said, "Four out of five dentists leaves one dentist."
77) 5-4=1.
78) -5 more facts until fact 73!
79) I want a flatbed scanner.
80) My mother was born the day before Halloween falls.
81) I am an artist.
82) I have a sketchbook.
83) I have drawing pencils.
84) They are not color pencils.
85) I have Paint Shop Pro 7.
86) I also have Adobe Photoshop 5 LE.
87) I have a drawing tablet.
88) I hate telemarketers.
89) I think the "Do-Not Call" list is a good idea.
90) -17 more facts until fact 73!
91) I should shut up about fact 73.
92) But I thought it was a good idea.
93) I have no idea why people understand Disney porn.
94) The possibility of Disney porn freaks me out.
95) I have eight CDs.
96) That's two less than 10.
97) 10-2=n
98) That's an easy question.
99) Wow, I can't believer my attention span lasted long enough for 99 facts.
100)-27 more facts until-- *pow*.
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