Mar 19, 2005 23:11
On our sugar-induced journies (journeys?) Graham and I found a goth park. Just outside Camden, a little park with a playground and a blacktop and a throng of blackclad teenagers pretending to be unhappy as they bask in the sunshine. It was a sight.
And it seems to officially be tourist season. Every time I step outside the house I'm surrounded by American college kids, giddy with their bagfuls of alcohol. I kind of like them...but in an affectionate, condescending way you would look at a small child attempting magic tricks.
We seem to have stumbled into spring. I went out without a jacket today. Now that it's here, I think I could not have lasted one more day in winter. But now it's sunny and nothing matters (not even my disappointing report card or upcoming APs) and ONCE MORE we've entered that wonderful season where everything and everyone is beautiful. Oh yeah.