Livejournal and Facebook and January 2010

Feb 04, 2010 08:57

Hah. Two days ago ojkolego and I were talking about, that it would be great, to get Livejournal and other social networks together. Like Facebook for example. Just realized, that on one hand I miss Livejournal, but on the other hand, not so many of my friends are using it anymore really activ. Maybe this can change. Livejournal is still a great platform for writing blogs. Could have been updated and should get a newer interface - but anyway. Its clean and great for writing. Never found a good blog at Facebook and the blog functionality in MySpace you can forget. Nobody is reading it. Or almost nobody. So. Lets try to relaunch a bit Livejournal and see, what happends.

Somehow January 2010 started like December ended. Okay - lets exclude two weeks in Finland, which were really great and relaxing. January was full of work. A lot things to do in the Software Business. Luckily this area seems never to get a real crisis. At least if you know, what you do ;-). At the same time I started to try out again many Systems for online-shops. We really need to relaunch our Savage-Wear website. But thats not so easy. The current system got so many modification by me, to realize some features we need, that a normal update was unpossible. After checking many new systems, I was disapointed again. Some typical problems of companies, who are greating clothes and sell them online and who give the possibility to adjust colours and other things, are still ignored. With some of the developers many other shop owners and I were talking since years to write some additions. Nothing big. But make life easier or even make it possible to handle such things. Mostly this task is just ignored. And even very expensive systems for many thousands of Euro are just handling some basic things. This may work for many products. But absolutely not for ours. Anyway. I found one system and with some additions, which need to be written again (and for what I need time) it can be used. So lets see, how many months it will take *g*.
At the same time we added some more products from 2009 to our online shop. We really should become faster with that. But often this is not so easy. Finding model, photographer and a good selection of photos, which are showing the clothes from different angels and then calculating everything, uploading, selecting all the attributes and price-changes. I guess we should get more slaves for that ;-)
At the same time we have had Fashion Week in Berlin again and the the third Fashion Rock Night, where I was helping to coordinate the shows, designers, models and so on. Was fun and a really good team. I did not saw the result, but I hope, it was good enough for the short time we have had to prepare.
What else happends. Some nice meetings with friends, birthday party, Sport and Sauna of course. No party for me in January, because of work and to many thoughts about business related things.
At the moment I'm looking forward to the end of February. ojkolego and I will fly for some days to Krakow. Will be fun and also good to leave work alone for a short time.
On Sunday 21st February I will go to Wolfsburg to visit the James Turell exhibiton.

And maybe I find some time for upload photos from 2009. Yeah - Promised it a lot I know *g*

But now look at the pendular! You feel hot and you need new clothes ... latex clothes ... you want something from the 2009 collection of Savage-Wear. You want buy everything! :-P

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