Aug 24, 2013 01:58
Well, not so much "oops" as "DAMN!" No man has ever been able to be so in tune with my body. Other than F&S Johns, of course. It is too bad he's not kinky. But in the interim he's a nice person to have around. I'm not looking for anything permanent. Neither is he. We both just want to have fun with whatever this is. Which is just enjoying each other's company and rocking each other's world from time to time. I'm not going to over think this or make it into something it's not. I'm going to have a good time and let that man make my body sing. That's exactly what I'm going to do.
But just so you don't think too ill of me; I talked to the boy and we both agree that we're not getting what we really want and what we have is really just more of a friendship than anything else. So we called that romantic relationship off. I think we're both happier knowing that we don't have to be anyone but ourselves and living without judgments or expectations of each other. A good friend w/o benefits and a good with w/benefits. The only problem now is that I can't sleep. It's been so long since I've been with another human being. Not to mention one that knows me very well, physically and emotionally.
And with both relationships we have decided that we don't want to stand in each other's way of finding happiness. So if we want, we are free to see whomever we want and the other person will just make themselves absent. No muss. No fuss. I'm happy with the way things are turning out. :D Huzzah for a week+ of introspective meditation for hours unending!