I've Found a New Hobby... kinda

Jun 27, 2010 12:40

Well, I've found a muse of sorts. I'm writing. My memoirs. No, seriously, I've done a lot in my short life that, I think, is book worthy, but no... the circus that was my life should not be on display for anyone but good friends. I'm doing something that most, if not all, of you will find lame. I'm writing FanFic (or Fan Fiction). For those of you who don't know what FanFic really is, it's taking a movie or book(s) and writing your own little story about it. I've seen some as short as 150 words. And then there's mine. 4343 to 5644 words, not including the front information about who the major and minor players are and what the reader rating is: PG, PG-13, R, NC-17 and the word count. Some people are in it for short stories, purely sexual in nature. Others are in it for short setups for the next installment. Some are just short stand-alones that have no plot development and nothing sexual, just something that came to the writers mind that they think belongs in the FicFandom.

I've written 3 stories in the Harry Potter venue. All really centered around Draco. It's always from Draco's point-of-view, with minor sidebars to someone else's point of view. And I mean minor. As in 50 words or less. And only once during any one story. I've done it twice. Considering my average word count is 5213, that's not much. Less than 1% of a story. So I don't really look at it as anything worth mentioning in a Forward, which I never make one of, per se. I'm very detail oriented. I set scenes up very well. Describing in detail everything. Except for one place in particular. I want the reader's imagination to make that place up. It makes for a more complete image, if that makes sense. Everyone has their own idea of what this type of place looks like. I mention 2 things in the room only. Anything else in there, the reader makes up for themselves. But as I said, it makes for a more complete image in the reader's mind, because they set the scene as soon as they realize where they are.

I don't want to give away any of the story line, as I might actually post them here for you guys to read, but I'm having someone else read them first to proof read and see if there's anything I should add or if something is confusing or needs more detail(s). I re-read them and notice grammar errors and fix them. "He" instead of "The" starting off a sentence. Trying to watch my tenses, so as not to bounce back and forth. I'm sure I've failed at that. I always do that for some reason. It's still easy to follow if you think, "Ok, he started in present tense but here he's moved to past tense. He probably means to stay in the present and to be using present imperfect but didn't." It should still be easy to follow, especially with context. That's my only really weak point, I think.

My goal is to humanize Draco. He's always the villain or the instigator. In the stories I've written, I've made him vulnerable and more humane because of the experiences he's having. Changing Draco from a little prick into a sensible man. I've set it so that all the major players are in their very early 20s. Draco, Harry, and Evan (whom I've made up as Draco's new friend, his only friend). It is BDSM (and gay) based as far as Harry and Draco go but just a plain vanilla friendship with Evan. So giving Draco depth in leading a double (almost triple) life. I only mentioned the BDSM thing because I know most of the people on my friend's list aren't kinky. Which is fine. I just didn't want the confusion of thinking it was a revenge thing. That's not my attempt at all. Again, it is to humanize Draco and give his character depth... and be HOT! LOL Ok, so not hot to most of you, but trust me, it's freakin' H O T!!!

The first story is NC-17 and BDSM based. Everyone should like the second story. It's PG-13, but only because of one of two uses of fowl language and drinking. It's totally vanilla and shows a fearful and desperate, yet kinder side of Draco. The third one is R. Again BDSM a more intense but almost gentler type of thing. Used physically but taken care of. So shocking but tender. Installment 4 will be another vanilla installment. It will likely go BDSM - Vanilla - BDSM - Vanilla, etc. I don't want to pidgin hole Draco into just a toy for Harry to play with whenever he wants. That's boring to me. I need Evan to keep the story interesting. If I do post them, I hope that you enjoy them. I've worked long and hard to make something I consider to be art. If you have criticisms, I would welcome them. They can only, potentially, make me a better writer. Be gentle with me though. I'm a virgin and fragile. Also gratuitous praise is !always, always! welcome. Be flowery and poetic. Quote the story and tell me how and why you loved that part. If I know what and why you like it, then I can add more of that kind of thing in future installments.

That is, of course, assuming I post them. :p~

fan fiction, happiness

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