Title: Between Friends
Strange how a teapot can represent at the same time the comforts of solitude and the pleasures of company.
--Author Unknown
Character: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Fandom: Star Wars
Word Count: 752
Rating: PG
Warnings Spoilers for JA #14 through JA #16 and Secrets of The Jedi.
Disclaimer George Lucas owns Star Wars. Lucas is King. If he doesn't like me pilfering his characters, he can have his merchandise back.
Summary: Obi-Wan is distressed by his Master's melancholy after Tahl's death and sets out to help.
Author's Notes: Jude Watson forgot to write this story. <-- Okay, so that's not entirely true, but I still think this scene should have been included somewhere...
"I have a pretty good idea what happened on New Apsolon," Obi-Wan said, hovering a coloured ball above his head. He was lying back on his bed in his room housed within the Jedi Temple. The hand he was using for the exercise was resting on his mid-section while the other was limp beside him. "I mean, he and Tahl were close, but now that I've had the time to think about it, I can make a stab at guessing what the weird ripples I felt in the Force were just before she was kidnapped."
Obi-Wan's friend, Garen Muln was sitting cross-legged on the floor. Every so often he would try to dislodge Obi-Wan's hold on the ball. So far, he had made the other Padawan drop the toy only once. Obi-Wan was getting good. "So how do you fix a broken man's heart?" Garen asked. He had heard Obi-Wan's tale and was able to make the same assumption: Qui-Gon Jinn and Tahl had fallen in love.
Obi-Wan floated the ball to Garen and sighed. He shifted so he was on his side, facing his friend. "You don't. Only the owner of said broken heart can fix it. The question is how do you help facilitate the healing?"
Garen wrinkled his nose. "You mean how do you offer comfort to a man that's even more stubborn than you are?"
Obi-Wan smiled and threw a pillow at Garen. "Mynock."
Garen laughed at tossed the pillow back, half-heartedly. Obi-Wan sobered as he considered his friend's words. He sighed again. "How indeed, my friend, how indeed?"
Garen and Obi-Wan were in a meditation garden, this time, when Siri plopped down next to them. The three sat facing each other and played Force-games that they hadn't played since they were crèchelings.
"So, Bant is taking things as well as expected. Master Windu has done a stellar job on breeching the gap left by Master Tahl," Siri said, floating a garden rock to Garen. "How are things going on your front, Obi-Wan?"
Obi-Wan accepted the floating projectile from Garen and gave Siri a half-smile. "Well, I seem to have a behaviour pattern figured out. He says nothing to anyone, outside of monosyllabic answers. If a Council member addresses him, he makes some semblance of effort at conversation. A few times I've seen him almost back to his old self, but he reverts to strange recluse when anyone even so much as tickles the subject of New Apsolon. He doesn't sleep anymore. He roams the halls of the Temple until he can't think anymore." He passed the rock back to Siri. "I have no idea if he's getting any rest at all."
Garen watched the stone cross the distance between him and Siri, a thoughtful crease furrowing his brow. "Maybe he doesn't want anyone to talk to him?"
As the stone neared Obi-Wan, his features lit up. He snatched the rock out of the air and snapped triumphantly. "That's it! He's so lonely that he can't stand company, yet he needs someone to be with him!"
Garen and Siri looked at Obi-Wan as though he had turned into a Twi'lek. He ignored them and jumped up. "Tell Bant I'll be by to talk to her later, Siri. Right now, I have preparations to make."
It had taken him quite a while to find the answers he sought, as well as a quiet conversation with his Bantling. It was the Mon Calamarian girl who had dropped the vital piece of information into his lap, courtesy of the late Master Tahl.
Tahl always used to tease me because I liked the same tea as your Master, only not as strong, Bant had said with a giggle. Tahl always new you and him were bad influences on me.
And Bant's favourite tea was brewed from sapir leaves, which the Temple stores had in abundance. It had taken a simple request to the Master in charge, who was only too happy to oblige the young Padawan, and Obi-Wan had access to the leaves, a pot and two cups.
So it was, that Obi-Wan brewed the first of what would be many pots of tea before dawn, strong and at a temperature that would cool to the correct degree by the time he reached his Master's room.
He might not have the words that would heal Qui-Gon's heart, but he knew that the shared solitude found in the dregs of a cuppa would speak more volumes than were housed with the Archives.