Jan 29, 2005 16:55
Oh my gosh, last night was hysterical!
Most of the guys in the youth group, along w/ some girls, all went over to Russel's house to watch RotK. Now, jesse, daniel, and I have been trying to see if we can keep a straight face under any circumstances. Periodically, Jesse would make eye contact w/ me and we would see how long we could keep a straight face while we stared at each other. "Blub" is the word that we have chosen as our test word. well, usually we can't say blub more than 5 times before someone breaks. but, tonight was completely different.
So i get up to do something or other, i don't remember, and i come back to see that Mike has taken my seat. now, of course, this doesn't bother me at all, but i seen the promise in the situation and decided to see if i could make everyone believe that i was really mad and sulky about something. so, for about 30 minutes i just stood, leaning up against the table, staring at the movie w/ a completely straight face. Daniel and Jesse both knew what i was doing so they decided to play along. about 45 minutes into the ordeal i walk into Russel's room and daniel follows me. We decide that it's about time to stop and begin staging a fake fight. it ends up w/ daniel storming out of the house and me rolling on the ground w/ laughter. everyone found out that i was jokeing about the whole thing, but no one knew y daniel left. i, of course, knew that he wanted to keep the joke going, so jesse and i continued to play along.
after about 20 minutes, and several phone calls, i "convince" daniel to come back. i'm standing in the doorway and he storms past me. i play along, making everyone think that i really think that he is REALLY mad at me. after i "tried" to apologize, and after daniel just blew me off, i sat down while other ppl came over to console me. (this is where it gets good)
I try one more time to apologize. Daniel insults me calling me and idiot and the such. Andrew, Chris, and Petra are completely sold and i can hardly help but laughing. i slink down to the ground in a sad heap while petra, andrew and chris come over to console me even more. but finally Mike causes Daniel to break and Daniel and I just die laughing. we share that the entire ordeal was staged.
needless to say, Petra hit me a couple of times, called me a jerk 4 times, and everyone laughed. it was priceless. unfortunately we'll never be able to pull nething like that on the again, but it was fun while it lasted. xD
I'd like to thank Daniel and Jesse for making the "Straight Face" project a complete success. We have arrived!