Jan 28, 2005 13:49
^_^ i had a good day today. I only had to use "llama" once, and then i couldn't stop laughing. xD (it's an inside thing, so don't worry if ur on the outside). I'm helping Alex w/ his Gaston part...poor guy. he's never really sung before, except for praise band and things of that sort, and unfortunately, praise singing is not good practice for a musical of B&B's magnetude.
Hopefully Russel will remember where the Oasis is today so that he won't have to drive around all of Calvary's extensive campus to try to find me. Oh, and i've only seen the commentary for RotK for the first half of the movie...i'll probably just make up stuff for the other half. xD ^_^ i'm in a really good mood today! i love this. ^_^ LLAMA LLAMA DUCK!