Apr 18, 2007 21:56
I have decided I must rename my bank account; it is no longer my place to deposit moneys, but my Finally Leaving and Escaping Everything fund (pleasantly acronym'd (acronised? acronified?) as "FLEE"). Maybe if I think of it as such I won't spend it so frivolously. And I don't even spend it that badly; I just get sudden hankerings for a cup of coffee, or a new packet of pens become necessary, and somehow these aggregated things mean that I am losing $ ridiculously rapidly. The problem with that attitude is that it leads to me not leaving the house for a week because I'm scared if I go out anywhere I will lose all my money. And it's no help when J buys me lunch, or something, because then I just feel we'll have less to spare between us, which will likely happen if we end up flat-sharing.
I need me a source of income :(