Oct 16, 2004 15:23
Here you go for all you undecided voters out there:
In 2001, the Bush administration stated that Iraq was incapable of producing weapons of mass destruction.
When did we invade Iraq?
Why did we invade Iraq?
-To get rid of those weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
Are you full of shit Mr. Bush?
Does he even know what's going on in Iraq?
-Yes he does...like he said in the first presidential debate, " I know that! I know what's going on over there...I watch what's happening on T.V."
This guy is a fucking campaign consultants worse nightmare. He should have never said Iraq couln't produce WMD and then invade saying they did have some and we wanted them. That is contradictory and in the political world that's BAD! He should have had the CIA plant some...the average uninformed voter doesn't know what the fuck is going on and they could care less, so long as they have a good economy.
Some kid brought up the issue of abortion in my Human Experience class yesterday. She said that she was voting for Bush because as a Republican he will preserve the party ideal of saving a life. She said that Democrats were baby killers and therefore people killers with no hearts.
WOW! Fuck that. So naturally I took full advantage of this opportunity to make her feel smaller than a grain of sand.
I told her...
" First of all we are ALL people killers, Democrats and Republicans alike. Although Reps may not kill you when you are an innocent baby, they'll sure as hell fry your ass in the chair! Dems will knock you off before you even have a chance to get rehabilitation in a life sentence versus a death sentence. Reps are anti-abortion, pro-death penalty...Dems are pro-choice, anti-death penalty. Either way we'll kill ya at one time or another."
But she is right. Bush cherishes life. He cherishes it so much that his great state of Texas has the highest death penalty rate of any other state. Most of the executions taking place during his term as governor.
It doesn't matter who or what you vote for on Nov. 2. All that matters is whether or not you vote. Make your voice heard loud and clear!