master_chen Sep 25, 2010 20:12
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ten wise men, 3d, heraldry, vendeens, tetragene system, hydra iv, symbology, earthling, quadratic key, space traveling, ryoko esteed, kalnus, hydra system, earth, up3, runology, it was all just a game, sphere corporation, helre, sanmite republic, star ocean till the end of time, vr training, albel the wicked, extraterrestrials, planet styx, velbaysian, quadratic sphere, deep space, virtal reality, expelian, time gate, kingdom of aquaria, edifice, star ocean tteot, velbaysia, energy nede, 4d, 4d space, klausian, item creation, vendeen empire, klaus system, "gods" vengeance, klaus iii, mirage koas, space colonization, nedenian, vr battle, expel, roger huxley, vr, fayt leingod, quark, orbital colony, star ocean, pangalactic federation, menodix, nel zelpher, sphere 211, albel nox, moon base, vendeen system, souffle rosdetti, sophia esteed, airyglyph kingdom, up3 violation, tetragenes, human, robert leingod, lost city of surferio, nede, "gods", humanoid extraterrestrial, elicoor ii, demensional traveling, adray lasbard, aquaelie, maria traydor, cliff fittir, vanguard iii