Jan 31, 2005 19:03
I don't make a lot of friends and when I do I don't usually initiate activities. I managed by living in community homes during my twenties. Need someone to talk to? check the livingroom. This worked pretty well for me.
After marriage I did things with Peg and her LARGE family unit. My children I adored from the womb on...I loved spending time with them and verse visea. Often I found myself outside playing with a bunch of nephews and nieces, while the other adults talked inside.
Eventually, Peg would find make new friends, but I found them boring and ended up playing with the children. After a few years she couldn't help but notice my lack of adult friends. In ten years we separated for numerous reasons.
When the kids were in Calif. and Hawaii for 15 monthes I didn't know what to do. I had this business that kept me overly busy. I would spend what little free time I had with Steph. But I think this finally got to her. It only took her a month to figure out that she was my only adult friend. We loved each other but that had to get tiring for her. She kept up an active social life which I supported, but she would worry about me and try to find things I could get involved in with people. I enjoyed the parties and meeting her friends, but they were her friends. When we had problems she could talk to them then I would wait for her to talk to me.
Now my children are home again and I'm thrilled to be with them. I still can't see them enough. Liam is eight and always sits on my lap when we talk, read, do TV, and playing board games. He has always been this way. Stuart can and does talk to me about anything. I am at my happiest when I am with them. When they've grown and moved on to their own families in some other state or country, I'll stay in touch, visit, and maybe make a friend or two of my own. I don' see this as a sad thing. It's comfortable. I'll see about how this live journal thing helps me.
Like Camu's Sisyphus(sp?) I'm happy.