Jul 20, 2008 17:52

Guess what?! I was a pizza again today! It was for more than two hours this time and they didn't do the freaky thing they did yesterday when I walked in. heheheh

It was boring today though when I wasn't a pizza. I got to dance and talk on the phone during the time that I was a pizza.
Ah! I did more dances today too! *flails* I didn't do the soulja boy this time though. I did, however, add Pumpkin and Sayaendo to my line-up. Yes I have a line-up ufufufu~

I got to Leave early today too. I was supposed to have an eight hour shift but only worked about three. -___-;

Now I'm sitting in my room wishing I had a newer photoshop version than the one I have now. Mine sucks. If anyone knows where to download a newer version than the 7.0 or whatever it is. Please leave a link or something. Arigatou gozaimasu.

ah I accidentally said something in Japanese to my manager today and almost said something to a customer too. heheheh
I forgot what I said though. I didn't even realize I said anything until my manager gave me a weird look.

Bored now. Might post some videos or music in a bit........or pics. I have A LOT of Tatchan pics.
oh and if anyone is looking for a video or songs or whatever. Let me know and I'll see what I have. I have a very big library ;D

maa~ going to find something to eat now. Wish me luck!! X3

me, pizza, rant

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