NYAM~! ^o^)

Jul 19, 2008 20:37

Konbanwa~! ^0^)/

I just got home from work not to long ago. It was a pretty good, and very interesting, day today.
First, I made the mistake of watching Maou before work. I started spazzing whenever I was alone or when I thought no one was watching me. My manager saw some of it though. Second, Let me started playing when I was at work. I'll get to that story in a bit. It's quite funny. Third, some co-workers and I were bored so we started doing very random things and got kinda perverted. One of my friends there took a bunch of salami and made a noise with it that sounded like something perverted. Not going to say what, you'll just have to use your imagination. When he was doing that I found lube in the back so we all just started laughing cos' I screamed "LUBE!!" heheheh No one was in the store, thank god! My manager was also gone, so it was just of a bunch of teenagers in the store.

Anyways, when I got to work the first thing that happened was funny. I walked in and about four guys stopped me and stood on front of me looking me up and down (they're guys I work with, one of which was the manager.). Then they start saying, "Hmm....she looks the right size...." "She might be a bit small.""No, She should do fine." then they kinda circled me and I started freaking out. then one of them finally says "We might as well try it out." and then, after a couple more minutes of staring, I was told to wear a pizza suit.

The good part of it was I could text and listen to music, this is where "Let Me" comes in. I started listening to my ipod when I was still in the store without the suit on and I just pressed shuffle and clicked play on a playlist, completely forgetting that that song was in it. And, of course, the first song to play was "Let Me". I almost forgot I was at work when I was at work and I almost blurted out the part where Yamapi says "Up and down in your mouth." It was embarrassing. After my little......I don't know what you'd call that, I put on the suit and went outside to the sidewalk and started dancing. And I started doing THOSE dances. Yes, Caitlin & Erren, THOSE dances. I really wanted to do the Snow Express one but I didn't. I did Balloons, Taiyou no Namida, Souja Boy(Yes I cranked dat), Cherish, Pumpkin (This one was hard. I was , after all, a pizza slice.) and some of Rising Sun. I was out there for a very long time.

The worst & best part about wearing that things was the fact that A LOT of hot guys stopped and talked to me. A few times I couldn't hear them over my music so I just nodded. heheheh. But some of them went into where I work later and talked to me again :D Some of them were asian too, which just makes it even more better. I have a weak spot for Asian guys, even more so if they're "together".

So that was just some of my day. I'll try to post more things more often. I PROMISE! I have a bunch of things I want to post on here (mp3's, mp4's, and whatnot).

OH! I almost forgot. This is mainly to Keitorin and Erren. My mom has been doing that creaapy thing that she does to my legs to my hair and face now. *shivers* My sisters are started to do the leg thing now too.

Just because he is a sexy beast and sees fairies, I decided to post this. (he also makes my day so much better)

yamapi, me, work, rant

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