Talons fighting the good fight. This account uses low-tech microwave emissions to propagate its signal. Brush up on your Talon Cryptolect, folks!
"Cerberus may have taken over Omega, but that doesn’t mean they’ve won. This is our territory. Our home. And we won’t stand idly by while Cerberus turns this place into a prison. Stand strong, Omega. The Talons have not abandoned you. We shall not rest until Cerberus is out of Omega and your homes are returned to you." - The Talons
"If you can see this message, we would like to extend an offer of recruitment as Talon Codebreakers. Please follow our
Talon Communication Feed for more information on current operations." - Nyreen Kandros
"Talons, this frequency is now open. Myself and base leaders have access to this channel. 24 hour broadcast cycle begins now." - N
"Join the Talons and help us free Omega from Cerberus! Be part of the solution! We need you!" - The Talons
"Security reminder: Let's keep things tight. We haven't had anyone turn in a while. Let's make sure it doesn't happen now." - H
"Did you see that encrypted message flash by on the Cerberus public feed? Get me some codebreakers on that, ASAP." - N
"New codebreakers are showing potential - but the news isn't good. Cerberus is planning to crack down on some civilians in Fumi District." - N
"Get in touch with extraction teams. We have to get over there now. If the civilians are too rowdy, Cerberus will go to live ammunition." - N
"No go. Our extraction teams are already working in the detainment centers in the lower levels. We're locked down on resources right now." - H
"Won't do. Heading to scout area. Send in extraction team as soon as they bug out. I'll guide civilians out of trouble myself if need be". - N
"The place is crawling with Cerberus." - N
"Civs found! Contact established. Heading for tunnel entry point FD-09." - N
"Cerberus presence spiked. Civilians laying low. When the extraction team is clear, send them to the pre-arranged location." - N
"Base leaders, codebreakers are reporting I've been spotted by Cerberus forces. Looks like I'm the decoy." - N
"Boss, extraction team B2 just reported in. Their civs are stashed away safely. They're heading back out and toward you now." - T
"Belay that. Send them straight to Fumi District, stat. I'm drawing Cerberus forces away from the civilians there." - N
"Crap. Hit an encrypted door. Codebreakers: Can anyone translate this, fast?" - N
"gnranehz_V3vg3f" - The Talons
"Worked. Thanks!" - N
"Safe. Staying high. Mechs are crawling all over the place." - N
"We have no eyes on, just got locked out of the vid system. Extraction team is on standby. Careful out there, boss." - T
"Thank you, Codebreakers. I've found a safe vantage point, observing the situation until my next move. Move the civilians, slow and easy." - N
"Heading over to Z-D. Have to break cover." - N
"Strike teams are heading in to support, boss." - T
Official Cerberus news feed for Omega citizens. News alerts, public safety announcements, and more. Please follow all directives.
"To all Omega citizens: For your convenience General Petrovsky has established
this channel for public service announcements and news alerts." - Cerberus
"As we secure Omega against Reaper incursions, please cooperate with all Cerberus directives. Your safety is our top priority." - Cerberus
"Cerberus is recruiting! No experience? No problem! Our orientation provides combat training and gene therapy packages. Change your life now!" - Cerberus
"Pvivyvna qvffragref genpxrq gb Shzv Qvfgevpg. Qrcybl gebbcref naq arj zrpu havgf gb ryvzvangr. Uhag evatyrnqref sbe cebprffvat." - Cerberus (Civilian dissenters tracked to Fumi District. Deploy troopers and new mech units to eliminate. Hunt ringleaders for processing.)
"Cerberus engineers in Fumi District are repairing an electrical conduit. Please cooperate if escorted to safety." - Cerberus
"Mechs deployed to Fumi District to assist in conduit repairs. Anticipate power outage situation to be resolved decisively very soon." - Cerberus
"The civilized being prizes freedom above all. Yet civilization itself is only possible through unyielding discipline." - General Petrovsky
"Due to recent black-market activity, rations will now only be given on receipt of a valid ID. Keep us informed and keep your family full!" - Cerberus
"Hanhgubevmrq npgvivgl va Shzv Qvfgevpg. Fhfcrpgrq Gnyba cerfrapr. Ryvzvangr nyy Gnyba zrzoref ba fvtug. Obhagvrf ninvynoyr." - Cerberus (Unauthorized activity in Fumi District. Suspected Talon presence. Eliminate all Talon members on sight. Bounties available.)
"Notorious criminal Nyreen Kandros, "leader" of Talon criminal gang, sighted in Fumi District. Remain calm. Security forces en route." - Cerberus
"Make a difference in your district! Report any strange behavior or activity to your nearest Cerberus patrol. Rewards offered!" - Cerberus
"Ybpxvat qbja Shzv Qvfgevpg qhr gb crefvfgrag Gnyba npgvivgl. Shyy chetr nhgubevmrq--trg rirel Gnyba. Crgebifxl'f beqref." - Cerberus (Locking down Fumi District due to persistent Talon activity. Full purge authorized--get every Talon. Petrovsky's orders.)
"Wanted criminal Nyreen Kandros now cornered in the Fumi District. Arrest anticipated soon. Thank you for your continued vigilance!" - Cerberus
"Qvq fbzrbar qbja gurer snyy nfyrrc naq zvff ynfg genafzvffvba? Jul vf gurer na bcra qbbe va Shzv? Ybpx vg qbja!" - Cerberus (Did someone down there fall asleep and miss last transmission? Why is there an open door in Fumi? Lock it down!)
"We are currently stress-testing security mechs in Fumi and Zeta Districts. Please stay off the streets, as live ammunition may be used." - Cerberus
"Current mech testing scenarios active: Fumi, Zeta Districts. Stay clear. Cerberus is not responsible for accidents." - Cerberus
"Due to reactor safety concerns, the Elek Processing Plant is shut down until further notice. Site is OFF LIMITS to all employees." - Cerberus
"Pybfvat va ba gnetrg. Unpxref ercbeg ivq flfgrz frpher. Gnybaf ner oyvaq bhg gurer. Orgn fdhnq, pbire gur abeguobhaq rkvg." - Cerberus (Closing in on target. Hackers report vid system secure. Talons are blind out there. Beta squad, cover the northbound exit.)
"Cerberus appreciates the support of civic-minded citizens in hunting Talon fugitives. Rations will be adjusted accordingly." - Cerberus
"Xnaqebf vf fbzrjurer va Mrgn Qvfgevpg. Abg znal uvqvat cynprf. Fpenc qrnyref, fuhg-qbja erfgnhenag, nve cebprffvat havgf. Fgneg ybbxvat." - Cerberus (Kandros is somewhere in Zeta District. Not many hiding places. Scrap dealers, shut-down restaurant, air processing units. Start looking.)