Kimberly Brooks discusses Ashley, EC

Jun 12, 2012 14:13

Kimberly Brooks has a new interview up, in which she talks a bit about her role in general and Extended Cut in specific. Choice quote? "The sessions I’ve had so far have been really simple, and Bioware’s not changing the ending, but it’s explaining and justifying it more."

She also mentions that she's pretty sure people are upset because "Maybe it was too much of a realistic ending? It’s like the Sopranos, Six Feet Under… you know the main character is going to die."

So this pretty much backs up what Bioware's been saying all along - they aren't changing anything. They're just convinced that all they need to do is explain why Joker was out by the relay, make it extra-super clear that the relays aren't blowing everything up if your EMS is high enough, and we'll all love the ending. Not to mention the condescending "if you were only paying attention, if you were only smart enough to have comprehended what we so clearly showed you" attitude behind it all.

interview, ashley williams, extended cut

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