Venting, because you will UNDERSTAND.

Feb 14, 2012 10:42

So, I have ME3 pre-ordered.

I also have all of the bits to put together an awesome gaming computer, because I have wanted to build a computer for a while, am finally able to afford it, and had to play ME2 in forty-minute bursts because my left knee kept starting to singe (that would be where the fan in my laptop is...). I am missing one thing!

Sadly, that thing is the motherboard, and will probably not ship until March 13th, because it's on backorder.

*rips out hair*

I don't really want to try to force my poor wee laptop (which is valiant and hardy and will try its best, but isn't really up to it) to play ME3. :( But on the other hand, I don't want to wait. Arglebargle.

Are there any "have wonderful game, can't play it yet!" support groups, I wonder? Would anyone want to join one with me?


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