and now, nonsense.

Jul 24, 2011 20:20

[Zweimas 24th] [GIFTDAY]

latest start is latest, I'm sorry. ;;;;

ME1 armor! inadvertently put her in a heavy armor variation because I was going off of a design in the artbook. ;;; I hope it is to your liking anyway. ._.;;


popehippo requested "a chibi of Kolyat and Thane hanging out" for iccara:

I hope it is to both of your likings! c:


tijil's request: "I have this head-canon plot where shortly after being shot in the head Zaeed is rescued by a female drell in a cowboy hat and her elcor soldier guardian. Queue much bickering."

I hope it is to your liking. c:


I hope it is to your liking. c:

EDIT: and finally,

I hope it is to your liking. c:

remaining requests today: lyandar, tijil, popehippo for iccara, azrielsdaughter

previous days: 01 02
03 04 05 06 07 08 09
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20 21 22 23

female shepard, original characters, femshep/kaidan, kaidan alenko, garrus vakarian, kolyat krios, fan art, thane krios

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